Night Storm, Lavender Farm
American Farm
Tules and Mt. Shasta
Life on the Land
Harvest Storm
North Side
Black Cottonwood
First Snow
Homeward Bound II
Homeward Bound
Mt. Shasta and Clouds
Cloud Dragon
Little Shasta Church
Road to Mt. Eddy
Top of the World
State of Jefferson
Fence and Black Butte
Mt. Shasta Shadow
Mt. Shasta
Landing on Mt. Shasta
Eden and Shasta Valley
Little Shasta Valley
River of Memory
Snowy River
Summer Siskiyou Lake
Castle Lake and Mt. Shasta
Moon over Shasta Valley
Lonely Road
Memories of an Oak
Floating Clouds
Little White Shasta Church
Pause and Reflect
Mystcal Mount Shasta
Silent Haunches
Dry Hill
Shades of Gray
Floating Trees
Peaceful Winter
Rancho Hill
Mount Shasta Rising
Mumbo Lake
Magical Mount Shasta
Lonely Road
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